Author: marlenrivas

Blind photography for many would be kind of pointless but you really never know if your going to get a good picture or if your picture is just going to be really blurry. For those who can actually not see has to work with what they think is a good picture or get input from others. The experience of blind photography was very different because we did at the school, which I know very well, but most of the time I was taking picture I thought I was taking pictures of something completely different then what I was taking a picture of.

Homecoming 2023

Homecoming week is always one of the biggest and most exiting weeks of the year. This year there was a lot of competition between classes to beat the seniors, unfortunately the seniors did end up winning with the freshman right behind them. Dodgeball is usually one of the most competitive competitions right behind volleyball. These pictures show some of the students focusing in on the game.

Because I didn’t take many pictures during homecoming week there are pictures that dawn took with a professional camera. These pictures were taken in a dark area making so that you have to let in more light in order to be able to see. Ryan was also taking pictures but he had a flash so he had to let in less light so that the picture wasn’t too bright.

Introduction post

I am a 16 year old student at Imbler high school. I like to play sports but my favorite one is basketball. My two closest friends are Jaden and Jojo. Some of my hobbies include hanging out with friends, playing sports and listening to music on long drives.

I don’t necessarily have a a favorite color but my outfits and accessories are based around white black and sometimes a bright color of blue or green.

If I could transport myself to anywhere in the world I would most likely transport myself to Bali or somewhere tropical.

My favorite meal is pesto pizza.

When I grow up I either want to be a dermatologist or make a career out of Nike.

If I had to listen to a song on repeat forever it’d be “why Indiana”.

My favorite subject is English.

A perfect Saturday night for me would be hanging out with my closest friends driving around and listening to music after getting food or drinks.

If I could have a wild pet I would pick either a chinchilla or a white tiger.

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