Month: October 2023

Blindfolded Photography

The experience of taking photos without the ability of sight was definitely interesting. I had a lot of fun walking around with my friends and using different techniques to take photos. I was really surprised with the way these photos turned out. Most of my photos were focused and were of pretty good quality.


Blind photography for many would be kind of pointless but you really never know if your going to get a good picture or if your picture is just going to be really blurry. For those who can actually not see has to work with what they think is a good picture or get input from others. The experience of blind photography was very different because we did at the school, which I know very well, but most of the time I was taking picture I thought I was taking pictures of something completely different then what I was taking a picture of.

Blind Photography

Blind photography refers to photograph work being done by a visually impaired person. We accomplished this by being blindfolded and walking around the school’s premises while capturing photos. It made me realize how hard it truly is to be blind, and how seeing impacts your photos. But it also brings me joy that even the blind can still have hobbies that the seeing do even though it’s hard. From my experience personally, it was very hard directing where I was, therefore finding a subject was challenging.

Homecoming 2023

Homecoming week is always one of the biggest and most exiting weeks of the year. This year there was a lot of competition between classes to beat the seniors, unfortunately the seniors did end up winning with the freshman right behind them. Dodgeball is usually one of the most competitive competitions right behind volleyball. These pictures show some of the students focusing in on the game.

Because I didn’t take many pictures during homecoming week there are pictures that dawn took with a professional camera. These pictures were taken in a dark area making so that you have to let in more light in order to be able to see. Ryan was also taking pictures but he had a flash so he had to let in less light so that the picture wasn’t too bright.

Imbler Panthers – Homecoming Week

Imbler High Schools Homecoming week was another success this year. Classes got to participate in fun and competitive activities during the daily assemblies. Additionally dress up days were colorful and fun. Both our football and volleyball teams reigned triumphant this past week, winning both games against North Powder and Wallowa.

As a photographer I had a lot of fun focusing on the type of photos I was taking for Homecoming week. I wanted to capture all of the special and exciting moments that make up this significant period of time at Imbler High School. I definitely had to experiment with different settings on my camera to adapt to the type of photos I was taking, which allowed me to learn more about my camera. Overall, I had a great experience this past Homecoming week and I am looking forward to taking more pictures for our yearbook this year.

Homecoming Week Collage

Homecoming week is a week-long celebration that includes fun dress-up days, activities/assemblies, football, and volleyball games, and the Homecoming dance. This year’s 2023 Homecoming week was one of the best yet, and these pictures only capture a fraction of the fun.

I personally took these photos myself and learned a lot this week. Such as the structure of different types of photos and how different settings and atmospheres can truly change the quality and perception of the photo. I also learned that candid photos are some of the most emotion-filled and expressive types of photos, that bring out the true sensation within the picture.

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